Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is this mental illness?

I really have to shout out to the folks at Sears. Thanks for taking my $35 extended warrantee so that I can wait 2 weeks for my lawn mower repair. My lawn has already reached the knee high phase, so no rush. What was I thinking? I distinctly recall insisting that I did not like nor desire an extended warrantee due to the very serious likelihood that I would be flushing that $35 right down the drain. Shame on me for falling prey to the awesome sales tactics (outright lies) of the sears sales dude. “You can take the mower over to Dartmouth and they will fix it right there.” No, they will put it on a truck and haul it to East Cutty where they will do the minor repair that I could have accomplished locally while I wait. The other possibility is that I heard all that, because thats what I wanted to hear, and he actually told me that I would take the two weeks that it actually will. So as my demeanor deteriorated in the Sears today while recounting my plight, and I was concurrently confronted with abject apathy from the most important ($9/hour manager) person in the store, a nearby customer (fellow alpha male) actually told me to calm down. Wow. Hadn’t seen that coming. Then he told me to grow up. Uh oh, I think I might be doing ‘that’ thing again. When I inquired about who the fuck he was, he helpfully suggested (to the $9/hr manager) we all invite the police. Umm, I guess I had passed that sweet spot of effective communication, and no matter how “right” I thought I was, this little adventure had started to get a bit rotten. Sure, there may be some parts of that overripe banana worth eating, but it will be a lot of work and a lot of squishy rotten shit leftover. And what to do with the leftover? Huck it out the window? Not from the back of the cruiser Chris, those windows don’t roll down.

1 comment:

  1. To Chris,
    My name is Brian and I am part of the Sears Cares escalations team. I apologize that you had this experience with our service department and the store, and I hope you’ll allow us to see what we can do to help. At your convenience, please contact my office at searscares@searshc.com so that we can see what we need to do. When you have a moment, please send an email. Please provide a contact phone number and the phone number the lawn mower service was set up under (if different than the contact phone number) and we will call you directly. In addition, please provide the screen name (Chris) for reference to this issue, and we do look forward to talking to you soon.

    Thank you,

    Brian J.
    Senior Case Manager
    Sears Cares
